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A home doctor visiting service is a tried-and-tested medical offering that focuses on providing urgent medical care for patients in the comfort of their homes after office hours. A GP access after hours caters to patients who need medical consultation for an urgent but not life-threatening condition. Get diagnosed and treated at home conveniently and hassle-free!

GP access after hours: How does it work?

Whenever you need medical attention and your GP is unavailable, it is a wrong habit to rush to the nearest emergency department if your condition is not life-threatening. Now that a GP access after hours service is already available for you, all you need to do is call their hotline, supply the information they need, and wait for the doctor to arrive at your doorstep. The call operator is a trained medical staff that knows how to prioritise each case call, so you can expect that if your condition needs urgent care, you will get the nearest available doctor in a short amount of time. Allow the operators to have enough and correct information including:

The patient’s name and address
His or her presenting signs and symptoms to assess them carefully
His or her Medicare or DVA card
Information about the patient’s GP to keep him in the loop


Once your home doctor arrives, he will do a comprehensive check-up to correctly diagnose and treat your discomfort. He may request for further testing and prescribe medications to alleviate your symptoms. If need be, he has available medications with him so he can dispense your first doses to help make you feel better faster. After the consult, he completes a medical report of the whole session and sends a copy to your GP. This will keep him updated about your condition and make it easier to continue your care as per usual.

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